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《維也納之聲》—2017北京新年音樂會震撼來襲 |
時間:2016.12.10 作者:蜂巢劇場網站管理員 點擊:763次 |
《維也納之聲》—2017北京新年音樂會震撼來襲 Sound of Vienna—New Year Concert’ 2017 is embarking Beijing in shocking wave 1992年的第一天,在中國開啟了新年音樂會的先河。從那天開始,辭舊迎新不再僅僅意味著花燈、廟會、走親訪友,帝都人民似乎為新的一年找到了一種更加優雅且生機盎然的開啟方式。 二十多年來,各類新年音樂會如雨后春筍般涌現,令人目不暇接,人們在遍嘗各類音樂大餐的同時,日益追求新鮮但不失純正血統的選擇。新年交響音樂會的傳統來自維也納,作為西方舶來品,世界音樂之都——維也納的施特勞斯愛愛樂樂團總是格外亮眼,他們以精湛的音樂技巧、深厚的文化底蘊、原汁原味的古典音樂氣質受到無數樂迷的青睞。該團成立于1843年,自誕生之日起在奧地利這一極富文化營養的音樂土壤中迅速成長,集結了百余名專業音樂精英。他們植根于古典傳統音樂,對激進的現代作品也有獨到見解;他們立足世界樂壇之巔,仍樂忠于面對大眾的音樂普及;他們堅守音樂本真的聽覺表現力第一,同時在舞臺表演化上也取得了非凡成就。連續訪華演出數年,每次亮相都帶給新老樂迷無數驚喜。 1992 saw the beginning of New Year concerts in China. Since then, people in Beijing are used to celebrating New Year in festive orchestral atmosphere with Strauss music. For over 20 years, Chinese people have seen new-year-concert playing orchestras from all over the world. But due to the deep impact of the annual new year concerts from concert-verein Vienna which is live broadcast worldwide and played by the most prestigious Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Chinese people revere and appreciate orchestras from Vienna or from other parts of Austria. The Austrian Strauss Legacy Philharmonic Orchestra is a prominent Austrian orchestra appreciated by classical music fans around the world for their outstanding technique, deep cultural legacy, and original Austrian-style interpretation. This orchestra was established in 1843 and accumulated more than 100 top musicians. They have deep understanding of classical music while exploring modern compositions, playing both traditional and popular repertoire. They visited China several times before and always brought something new to Chinese audience. 奧地利施特勞斯愛樂樂團介紹 Austrian Strauss Legacy Philharmony Orchestra Introduction 奧地利施特勞斯愛樂樂團是一支具有輝煌歷史,享有盛譽的國際性音樂團體,成立多年來,在奧地利這塊極富文化營養的音樂土壤中,迅速成長壯大,豐富世界音樂文化生命,是一個集合了近百名專業音樂精英的杰出交響樂團。杰出藝術家同臺獻藝,引發聽眾的思維,觸動樂迷的心靈。 為紀念和傳承奧地利偉大的作曲家施特勞斯的音樂遺產,施特勞斯家族——自1843年起便擁有一個自己的樂團,在從維也納乃至全球的輝煌巡回演出中,一直堅守職責為施特勞斯家族服務。 Austrian Strauss Legacy Philharmony Orchestra is an international music group with a long history. It prospered for years in Austria and grew into an outstanding orchestra with about one hundred professional musicians. To memorize and inherit the music legacy of great Austrian composer Strauss, the Strauss family, which have owned an orchestra since 1843, stick to their roles of serving by performing from Vienna to the whole world. 奧地利施特勞斯愛樂樂團自成立以來,在世界各地進行了非凡的千余場演出,并取得巨大的成功。樂團得以在藝術上有更大的發展,向世界舞臺邁進,并將高水平的演出帶給廣大市民,讓更多人接觸到古典音樂。并提供免費音樂會及各項教育活動。嘗試踏出純古典音樂的范疇,每年均邀請著名的音樂家同臺合作演出,以吸引更多年青觀眾接觸古典音樂。 他們在東京的新年音樂會(大阪音樂廳)以及在西班牙、葡萄牙、意大利、美國(紐約、華盛頓、洛杉磯和芝加哥)、南美、中國等各地的演出都受到了特別的關注。他們幾乎走遍了歐洲各國。和傳統意義上的交響樂團不同,樂團不但能演奏古典、傳統的音樂作品,而且對激進的現代作品也有獨到的解釋。將器樂、人聲的和諧演奏,向舞臺化表演的方向發展。滿足當代觀眾對音樂會的觀賞要求。 Since the beginning, Austrian Strauss Legacy Philharmony Orchestra has achieved huge success performing thousands of concerts all over the world, bringing high-standard performance to more people and providing free concerts and varieties of educational events. They also tried to step out of classical genre and invited famous musicians to perform every year. The orchestra received extra attention when performing in Tokyo, Spain, Portugal, Italy, North America (New York, Washington, Los Angeles and Chicago), South America and China. They have been around the Europe. Different as traditional orchestra, this one can not only play classical music, but also progressive modern pieces. 樂團非常重視和其他國家的文化、音樂交流。和歐盟國家的音樂團體有著良好的合作關系,樂團擁有自己的獨奏家,舉辦音樂大師班,將沉悶在象牙塔里的古典音樂,以自己特有的活潑形式介紹給大眾,此外,樂團還舉辦慈善募捐義演,展示了人類美好的精神世界。 該團曾三次來到中國進行巡回演出,在北京人民大會堂、上海大劇院、上海東方藝術中心、福州大劇院、哈爾濱音樂廳、溫州大劇院、常州大劇院以及太原、廈門、深圳、大連、長春、鄭州、蘭州等地共演出數十場,所到之處,都受到觀眾的熱烈歡迎。各地媒體都以大幅報道盛贊樂團的演出。 The orchestra pay a lot attention to different culture in other counties. They have good collaboration connections with EU countries, have their own soloists, and hold master classes, trying to introduce classical music to the public. They also hold Charity fund concerts for the public goods. The orchestra has been in China for three times for performances. They have been playing in many places like Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Shanghai Grand Theater, Shanghai Oriental Arts Center, Fuzhou Grand Theater, Haerbin Music Hall, Wenzhou Grand Theater, Changzhou Grand Theater and other cities in China. They received huge welcome everywhere. 圓舞曲之王——約翰 施特勞斯 奧地利著名作曲家、指揮家約翰、施特勞斯和他的父親同名,人們稱其父為老約翰·施特勞斯,他被譽為“圓舞曲之父”。1844年,當約翰·施特勞斯第一次演出自己的作品《寓意短詩圓舞曲》時,在人們“再來一個”的喝采聲中竟連續重奏了十九遍。據說,第二天維也納的一家報紙寫到:晚上好!老施特勞斯,早上好!年輕的施特勞斯。意思是說:“在圓舞曲的領域內,年輕的施特勞斯的時代到來了”。施特勞斯一生創作了大約八百首以上的作品,包括一百七十首圓舞曲、一百四十一首波爾卡、六十九首方陣舞曲、四十七首進行曲等。代表作有:圓舞曲《藍色多瑙河畔》(被譽為奧地利的“第二國歌”)、《藝術家的生涯》、《春之聲》、《南國玫瑰》、《皇帝》等。此外,他還創作了十六部輕歌劇,其中以《蝙蝠》和《吉卜賽男爵》最為著名。特別是這首《藍色多瑙河》,圓舞曲在初次上演數月后就已成為施特勞斯作品中最動人心弦的樂章,而且成了維也納的音樂象征。出版商施皮納不得不印劇成千上萬份樂譜發往世界各地。一塊銅版能印刷一萬張紙,據說施皮納耗用了一百塊銅版。以明朗舒展的旋律著稱的約翰·施特勞斯以維也納圓舞曲對后世的專業音樂起了極大影響。約翰·施特勞斯被稱為:“圓舞曲之王”